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Chatham man jailed for poisoning friend's coffee sweetener with cocktail of drugs

A charity shop worker dialled 999 in a panic after poisoning his friend by slipping drugs into her coffee sweetener to get back at her for not buying him a birthday present.

Christopher Connolly, from Chatham, made the call on Friday, January 3 last year, during which he confessed to what he had done.

Christopher Connolly. Picture: Kent Police
Christopher Connolly. Picture: Kent Police

Connolly, 29, had added a large dose of drugs – including codeine, naproxen, clozapine, furosemide and paracetamol– to the Canderel.

Between Saturday, December 21, 2018, and Friday, January 3 last year, Connolly crushed up the drugs and added them to the sweetener, which was used by victim Denise Smith several times a day.

Ms Smith did not appear to suffer any serious physical harm, however, she did report cognitive issues including memory loss.

Amounts of the drugs used were also found in her urine.

Connolly hatched his twisted plot to get back at Ms Smith after she failed to buy a £50 video game for his 28th birthday.

Connolly, of Chelmar Road, was initially charged with one count of attempted murder and one count of administering poison with intent to endanger life/grievous bodily harm with intent.

Maidstone Crown Court. Stock picture (33973912)
Maidstone Crown Court. Stock picture (33973912)

He appeared at Maidstone Crown Court on Thursday, October 10, where he admitted attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent. He had denied the attempted murder charge at a previous hearing.

He was sentenced to four years on Monday, and was issued with a restraining order to stop him going near the victim or her home.

Investigating officer DC Dameon Shaw said: "Connolly is a cunning man who went to unthinkable lengths to harm a woman who inherently trusted him.

"His actions were those of an incredibly dangerous person and I am relieved he received a significant custodial sentence.

"Our thoughts are with the victim, who will no doubt need support and time to recover from her ordeal."

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