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Drugs and fraud crime rise in Medway but violence falls

Drug and fraud crime in Medway is on the up, but most other crime, including violence and burglary offences, continue to fall.

The amount of recorded crime, according to the latest quarterly figures published by the Home Office, have seen it fall by more than six per cent in the Towns.

The figures come from the period October to December 2008 compared to the same period the year before, show recorded crime in Medway dropped, but at the same time, the detection rate rose by 5.3 per cent.

Reports of criminal damage fallen in Medway by 7.2 per cent.

The number of drug offences has risen by a massive 35 per cent and officers say this is because of their ongoing work to disrupt drug networks, by targeting organised gangs.

Earlier this year in Medway, officers executed a warrant at a house in Rochester Road, Cuxton, where more than 800 mature cannabis plants were found.

A 41-year-old man was charged and is currently going through the court process.

Officers in Medway also use the Ion Track drugs testing machines, which use a swab to test hands for traces of drugs.

Together with passive drugs dogs, the machines have been used in Medway’s night time economy to tackle drug use and supply.

Fraud and forgery crimes have also risen by 16.3 per cent, but burglary of dwellings is down by 3.4 per cent.

The increase in fraud and forgery reflect an increase in the number of recorded crimes of ‘bilkings’ or thefts from petrol station forecourts.

The number of recorded violent crimes is also down 4.8 percent.

Temporary Superintendent Des Keers said: “We are pleased the total number of recorded crimes in Medway continues to fall. The total number of recorded crime fell by 6.1 per cent compared to the same period of 2007.

“Here in Medway we have seen particularly good results in the reduction of burglary, vehicle crime and criminal damage.

“However, we are not complacent and my staff in Medway will continue to work hard to reduce crime even further and bring offenders to justice.

“Anti-social behaviour has been highlighted by communities as a priority.

“Our neighbourhood teams, alongside partner agencies within the Medway Community Safety Partnership are working hard to continue to make reductions in this area.”

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